When you place an order on the website, we start working on the delivery process as soon as the order is confirmed . It may take a period of 5 to 6 days to get the drugs delivered at your doorstep. We ensure an on time delivery of your product with the help of our courier partners like – FedEx, USPS, and other popular courier companies in the United States. I have also a return policy for costumer Problem.

Our Refund & Return policy

If in case you have received a faulty delivery like a broken, incomplete, or a different product that is not the same as your ordered medicine. In such a condition, you can opt for a return or refund on the website. There are specific terms & conditions as per which a customer can report for return or refund of the product(s). These terms are –

  • Inappropriate product

    The products that we deal with are 100% genuine and authorized by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). If any customer feels that the drug they have received is not good enough, they may file for a refund on the same day of receiving the product. Any delay in requesting a refund will not be considered appropriate.

  • Damaged product delivery

    We make sure that no harm is done to the products delivered to our customers. Sometimes while packaging, the package may get broke or damage. This fault may also have occurred by the shipping department or by the courier services. The person needs not to worry, he/she needs to ship back the product, and we will return the money as per the guidelines approved in the policy.

  • Order cancellation

    If the person who has placed the order due to any reason want to cancel it, that needs to be done within three hours of placing the order. Once your order has been confirmed and processed for further, you will not be able to cancel your order.

  • No reception 

    If in case, you do not receive your needed product within 21 days of placing it, you may request for a refund. However, there can be clauses where your request for a refund will not be accepted. They are –

  1. The person has mentioned an address that is not valid or is incorrect.
  2. If the customer/patient has changed his or her address and has shifted to a new place.
  3. The delivery person has reached the delivery location, but there is no one to accept the order.
  • Reshipment 

    This may happen when a person requests a reshipment of the order. The reason for this shall state with the website authorities.

Modes of Payment

As per the convenience of our customers, we have given different payment options. You can opt for any payment option given on the check-out page of the website. We accept all sorts of debit and credit cards, including Mastercard, Visa, and American Express. Other than these, you can also choose from – Amazon Gift Card, Western Union, and Bitcoin.

Delayed delivery:

When there is a delay in delivering your order, you must inform the customer support team of the website. You can contact us through email, chat, or a direct phone call. We will check your order and inform you of the same.